Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Artbay Gallery - Elan

Region: Queenstown
Dates: Sun, 5 November 2023 - Sat, 18 November 2023 @ Daily

  • Artbay Gallery - Elan

 Elan lives by the philosophy of ‘This Is It’. Each brushstroke, each splash of paint, every dribble of ink, celebrates his philosophy... ‘This Is It’.

When he isn’t in his studio, Elan travels the world conducting ‘Breakthrough Thinking Programmes’ for global organisations. These programmes are designed to free up peoples’ thinking and how they interpret their place in the world. His art is an expression of the profound inquiry into what it means to be human. Although educated in the fields of psychology and education, Elan is more of a spiritual philosopher, and his work reflects that. 

