Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Hullabaloo - Winter Show.

Location: Hullabaloo Art Space
Region: Cromwell
Dates: Sun, 14 July 2019 - Sat, 3 August 2019 @ 10am - 4pm daily.

  • Hullabaloo - Winter Show.

Hullabaloo Winter Show 2019

A spectacular hidden valley close to Bannockburn, yet isolated because of its difficult access, the Nevis Valley is the subject of this year's winter show. Wind your way up the Carrick Range to Duffers Saddle and imagine being in a wagon drawn by Clydesdale horses or bullocks, struggling up the mountain pass, 1000metres in 10 km. From here, at the top of the road, standing among rock tors, the flip side of the Remarkables frame huge vistas of inland Otago high country. As you descend into the Nevis valley you enter another world. A mountain valley cloaked in ochre and light yellow  peppered with rocky outcrops and tailings, speargrass, tussock, and lichens, Winding through its heart runs the sparkling blue Nevis river, fed by dozens of little mountain streams trickling out of gullies. In the 1860's the lure of gold brought miners to this remote place. Evidence of  past stories and hardships are dotted along the gravel road; a cemetery, stone walls,excavated terraces, lonely cottages, ruins of the hotel, a school and a post office.

Each of our artists have come up with their own interpretation of this special place in the heart of our region. 

Diciplines include painting, jewellery, ceramics, sculpture, woodwork and photography.


Hullabaloo Art Space

15 Melmore Terrace , Old Cromwell Historic Precinct
