Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Hullabaloo Art Space - Works by Luke Anthony.

Location: Hullabaloo Art Space
Region: Cromwell
Dates: Sun, 29 October 2017 - Sat, 18 November 2017

  • Hullabaloo Art Space - Works by Luke Anthony.

Luke Anthony's much anticipated Solo show, 'Avian' is on at Hullabaloo Art Space in The Heritage Precinct, Cromwell.

A collection of stunning hand carved birds.

Luke says 'I endeavour to carve from native woods detailed life-size carvings of native birds. I carve with native New Zealand woods like totara, rimu, matai, southern rata, kauri and native broadleaf. The wood is salvaged from building renovations, fencepost and various other random sources. As for the legs on the small birds, I go from carving wood to carving silver wire, which I deliberately tarnish to achieve their black appearance. And for the eyes, depending on the colour, semi-precious stone or glass. After the initial roughing out using a band saw, most of the work is then achieved using traditional carving hand tools, as I find them superior to machinery because they are less noisy, produce no irritating dust, and often work progresses faster. The fine feather detailing I burn in using a pyrography tool (hot poker pen) I then paint the birds as they appear in life using fine acrylics'.


Hullabaloo Art Space
