Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Rozzie and the Orchestra.

Location: Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall
Region: Arrowtown
Dates: Sun, 22 March 2020 @ 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm.

  • Rozzie and the Orchestra.

Queenstown based Turn Up the Music Charitable Trust is presenting an interactive music concert for preschool and junior school children on Sunday 22nd March.

Ten members of the Dunedin Junior Orchestra plus a young conductor and an opera singer will perform at Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall. Children will join in and be part of the performance as they sit around the orchestra to get the full vibes. The concert, 'Rozzie and the Orchestra' is written, conducted and choreographed by the talented Rozzie Manowitz from Dunedin, and will inspire and springboard kids into engaging and connecting into the fantastical world of music. Rozzie is the host of this show, and also the presenter of a new preschool show to be aired soon for TVNZ 2, being produced by Mary Phillips from Pickled Possum Productions.

The concert promises to be a magical, interactive and educational concert that preschool and junior school tamariki can be a part of. Turn Up The Music is a Charitable Trust that relies on public and corporate donations to help improve the lives of young people of the Wakatipu. The TUM Music School provides quality music teaching and vocal training, new performance opportunities, and different musical experiences.

Family tickets to Rozzie and the Orchestra are $10. 

To more information and to get tickets click HERE


Arrowtown Athenaeum Hall

33 Buckingham St , Arrowtown
