Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Chorus Cabinet Art Central Otago - .Calling all Artists!

Region: Central Otago
Dates: Mon, 31 July 2023 - Thu, 31 August 2023 @ Submissions Open Now

  • Chorus Cabinet Art Central Otago - .Calling all Artists!

Your artwork on a Chorus cabinet?

Chorus is working with the Central Otago District Council and the Central Otago District Arts Trust to bring its cabinet art programme to Central Otago again in 2023.

Chorus offers artists the chance to use its cabinets as a public canvas to showcase your work to your local community. You will be paid anywhere from $400 to $1500 for your painting depending on the size of the cabinet.

We have chosen cabinets across Central Otago which we would love artists to beautify.

Information can be found on Chorus’ dedicated webpage:

All finished art will be included on the Chorus website and will be considered for the 2023 Chorus Cabinet Art calendar, copies of which are sent around the world.

Existing Chorus murals can be seen here:

