Events Calendar

What's happening in Central Otago

Drawing for Anyone and Everyone - Cromwell

Region: Cromwell
Dates: Mon, 3 July 2017

  • Drawing for Anyone and Everyone - Cromwell

Register now! Drawing for Anyone and Everyone - Adult Learn-to-Draw Classes in Cromwell.

Would you love to learn to draw but don't know where to start, or even think you can? In this series of classes professional artist Joanne Deaker teaches the theory behind why most adults think they can't draw, why drawing is simply a skill that anyone can learn and how to find your innate drawing ability. As an added bonus this term Joanne will be creating videos to complement the class sessions. These will be made available online exclusively to class participants as part of the course.

Series of eight Tuesday morning classes in Cromwell in term 3  Beginning Tues 1 August.

Time: 10 to 12 (ish)Venue: Cromwell (details will be given once registration confirmed)
Class Fee: $240 (discounted to $216 if paid by 1 August 2017 - payment can be made by internet banking and details will be sent when you register)
Materials needed: 2B pencil, 30cm ruler, eraser, pencil sharpener, scissors and a gluestick. Putty eraser (recommended but not necessary). Desklight - only if you have one (not used for initial classes)

Minimum number: 4; maximum number 8

Register via email to: [email protected] - please include your full name, contact phone number and intended payment method.

Comments from a couple of past participants;

"Anyone can draw because I can now… Thank you! I have really enjoyed everything you have prepared and did for me over the last eight weeks. My family have remarked on the benefits to me" - Shirley C.

"These classes are a fantastic introduction to drawing. An opportunity to learn the basics in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. Joanne is a fantastic teacher." - Vivien.

