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Robert Franklin

Gallery: Fusion Ceramics, 434 Bannockburn Road, RD 2 Cromwell

Robert Franklin Lives and works in Bannockburn, near Cromwell, Central Otago. He was a part-time studio potter for a decade in the 1970’s.

“My return to ceramics has been a very rewarding experience. Deciding to once again sit at a pottery wheel to see what happened released dramatic results. My knowledge and experience in studio pottery remained with me in the head and the hands but the pieces produced were like nothing that had gone before. I now utilise that knowledge and new learning to create works in many of the genres of ceramics including Rake, Saggar firing, Stoneware and Porcelain and I exhibit locally and nationally. I have been invited as a guest artist at a number of exhibitions.

My work is strongly influenced by both Japanese and Chinese early ceramics. A visit to Japan where I stayed for a week close to the village of Mashiko, the home of now-deceased Japanese National Pottery Treasure Shoji Hamada was a highlight.

My work is an expression of form, finish and texture,  more of the fire and less of the glaze. I am not constrained by the demands of production but more by what flows from the hands on the day.”

“The true work of art is but a shadow of divine perfection” Michangelo

Just along the road from The Black Rabbit, Bannockburn you will find 'Fusion Ceramics', Roberts home gallery/studio. When the sign is out he's open (which is most days) but if it the sign isn't out, don't be shy and give him a call on his cell: 021 548 025. Chances are he's not far away and will be happy to arrange a time to meet him and check out his work.

